Weave Write™

Welcome to the Weave Write™ app!

Weave Write™ App Instructions

  1. Click on the "Start Bracelet" button.
  2. Click in the "Enter Bracelet Text" field. A list of supported characters (letters and emojis) appear above the "Enter Bracelet Text" field. Click in the "Enter Bracelet Text" field to enter bracelet text. Click "OK."
  3. To choose a text color, click on the "Text Color" text and click on the color circle to select a color. Colors offered match most embroidery floss thread colors currently available.
  4. To choose a background bracelet color, click on the "Background Bracelet Color" text and then click on the color circle to select a color. Colors offered match most embroidery floss thread colors currently available.
  5. Next, refer to the "Wrist Size Reference Chart" to figure out the bracelet size that will fit the wearer's wrist. Use the slider under the "Wrist Size Reference Chart" to enter the desired bracelet size.
  6. Click the "Create" button beneath the slider.
  7. The image at the top previews the finished bracelet. The image can be moved by swiping left and right with your finger.
  8. The highlighted "Estimated Initial Yarn Length Required" shows how long to cut the initial yarn.
  9. Use the normal pattern generated to weave the friendship bracelet.
  10. Tap on a knot when it's finished to save current knotting progress. Long tap on the knot to unhighlight.
  11. The bracelet pattern progress will be saved automatically. When next opening the app, the "Continue" button allows work on the saved bracelet to continue. The "New" button allows a new bracelet to be started which will erase any previously saved bracelet patterns.

Weave Write™ Privacy Policy

Left Paren LLC collects no personal information using the Weave Write™ iOS app. Left Paren LLC does not collect, use, save, or have access to any bracelet patterns saved in the Weave Write™ app. Bracelet patterns are stored only on your device. Left Paren LLC appreciates feedback and suggestions from our users. However, please note that any unsolicited advice, design guidance, or ideas submitted to us will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. We reserve the right not to acknowledge, accept, or implement such submissions. By communicating with us, you agree to these terms.